PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sabanciogullari, Vedat AU - Salk, Ismail AU - Balaban, Hatice AU - Oztoprak, Ibrahim AU - Kelkit, Seref AU - Cimen, Mehmet TI - Magnetic resonance imaging mesencephalic tectum dimensions according to age and gender DP - 2013 Jan 01 TA - Neurosciences Journal PG - 33--39 VI - 18 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Neurosciences (Riyadh)2013 Jan 01; 18 AB - OBJECTIVE: To analyze and classify normal MRI tectum length and colliculus dimensions according to age and gender.METHODS: Tectum length and colliculus diameters were measured on the T1 midsagittal and axial cranial MR images in the radiology archive of 532 (344 women, 188 men) patients aged 37.36+/-21.49 (range: 4-91) years old on average, and with no disorders affecting the mesencephalic tectum. All 532 patients underwent clinical MR imaging of the cranium at the MRI Unit of Sivas Numune Hospital and Sivas Cumhuriyet University Hospital, Sivas, Turkey between February and December 2011.RESULTS: Although there was a positive linear correlation between tectum length and age, there was a negative correlation between the anteroposterior diameter of the colliculus superior and colliculus inferior and age (p<0.01). While tectum length (M3) increases with age, the anteroposterior diameter of the colliculus superior and inferior (M1 and M2) decreased (p<0.01). The colliculi were larger, and the tectum was longer in men. Although there was no difference in size between right and left superior colliculi, the left colliculus inferior was larger than the right one.CONCLUSION: In addition to the fact that normal mesencephalic tectum dimensions provide information on the brain development of individuals, they may also be beneficial for the detection and treatment of related pathologies.