PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Alshahrani, Abdulrahman M. AU - Al-Said, Yousef A. AU - Mamoun, Irfan A. AU - Streletz, Leopold J. TI - Central fever due to hypothalamic lesion in a patient with tuberculous meningitis DP - 2002 Oct 01 TA - Neurosciences Journal PG - 301--303 VI - 7 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Neurosciences (Riyadh)2002 Oct 01; 7 AB - Abnormalities of body temperature are perhaps the most common features in many systemic pathologic processes. Such pathologic alterations are nearly always the result of extrinsic factors (for example, systemic pyrogens) which affect the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center by way of circulatory system. Much less common is alterations in temperature regulation resulting from intrinsic lesions of the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus. We report a patient with tuberculous meningitis who continued to have persistent fever despite the satisfactory treatment of her tuberculosis. A central thermoregulatory defect was documented and was attributed to a small structural lesion in the anterior hypothalamus.