PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Ahamed, Sudheer P. AU - Lath, Sanjiv AU - DeGabriele, Gerald J. AU - Mathew, Vivin T. TI - Cerebral abscess caused by Aggregatibacter aphrophilus DP - 2010 Jan 01 TA - Neurosciences Journal PG - 40--42 VI - 15 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Neurosciences (Riyadh)2010 Jan 01; 15 AB - Aggregatibacter aphrophilus was previously known as Haemophilus aphrophilus and is a rare cause of disease in humans. A recent reclassification of these organisms has placed them in the new genus of Aggregatibacter species. The organism seems to be a normal component of oral flora and has been reported to cause endocarditis, sinusitis, pneumonia, empyema, soft tissue abscess, meningitis, vertebral discitis, and septic arthritis. Brain abscess due to Aggregatibacter is rare. We report a case of cerebral abscess due to Aggregatibacter aphrophilus and discuss the characteristics of this organism.