PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Qoqandi, Omar AU - Almubarak, Abdulaziz O. AU - Bafaquh, Mohammed AU - Alobaid, Abdullah AU - Alsubaie, Fahd AU - Alaglan, Abeer AU - Abukhamssin, Dhuha A. AU - Algharib, Mariam A. AU - Alsomali, Abdulrazag I. AU - Alyamani, Mahmoud AU - orz, Yasser TI - Efficacy of routine post-operative head computed tomography on cranial surgery patients outcome AID - 10.17712/nsj.2020.4.20200035 DP - 2020 Aug 01 TA - Neurosciences Journal PG - 281--286 VI - 25 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Neurosciences (Riyadh)2020 Aug 01; 25 AB - Objectives: To identify the role of routine postoperative head CT in changing postoperative management after elective craniotomies.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study on adult patients who underwent cranial surgery. Exclusion criteria includes cranial CTs done postoperatively for urgent clinical indications, pediatric patients, CSF diversion procedures and sedated patients. Patients were placed into “positive” group if the physical assessment changed from the baseline in the form of clinical deterioration, and the “negative” group if the exam did not change. The data then were analyzed to identify which patients needed further medical or surgical management based on CT findings only with “negative” physical examination.Results: Total of 222 were included in the study. 151 patients had negative physical examination. Only 8 out of 151 patients had positive CT findings. Two patients out of 222 (0.9%) had a negative physical exam and positive CT findings that required additional action that wouldn’t be done urgently without routine postoperative brain CT. Only one patient out of 222 (0.4%) who was re-operated urgently based CT findings only and negative physical examination.Conclusion: Routine postoperative routine brain CT did not alter the course of medical management, even in the presence of significant radiological findings.