PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Abualsaud, Dalya A. AU - Jad, Lamya A. TI - Infants’ routine video electroencephalogram findings in a Saudi tertiary hospital AID - 10.17712/nsj.2020.5.20200049 DP - 2020 Oct 01 TA - Neurosciences Journal PG - 350--355 VI - 25 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - Neurosciences (Riyadh)2020 Oct 01; 25 AB - Objectives: To report the existence and describe the non-epileptic abnormalities, interictal epileptiform discharges, and seizures in routine electroencephalograms (EEGs) of infants in a tertiary hospital out-patient neurophysiology clinics.Methods: This is a non-interventional, retrospective descriptive study that involved the review of 172 infants’ EEGs conducted from July 2018 to June 2019 in King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Results: Total of 172 EEGs were reviewed; 152 routine EEGs for infants and 20 neonatal EEGs. Seventy-six (50%) EEGs were reported to be normal. Among the remaining EEGs, 54 were characterized by generalized slow background abnormalities (31.3 %), seven (4%) by background asymmetry, one (0.5%) by generalized low amplitude, and one (0.5 %) by an alternate trace that was dysmature for age. Interictal epileptiform discharges (IED) were present in 75 (43.6%) EEGs and they were focal in 72 (41.8%) EEGs, and generalized spike wave discharges were seen in only 3 (1.7%) EEGs with focal interictal epileptiform discharges. A diagnosis of hypsarrythmia was made from 15 (8.7%) EEGs. There were seizures in 11 (6.4%) EEGs, of which three were in neonates (15% of neonatal EEGs), and 8 in infants (4.6 % of infant EEGs).Conclusions: Fifty % of routine infants‘ EEGs had abnormalities and hypsarrythmia was the most common abnormal background associated with seizures. Ictal discharges in form of generalized electrodecremental pattern associated clinically with epileptic spasm was the most common type of seizures