PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Ajlan, Abdulrazag M. AU - Kalani, Maziyar A. AU - Harsh, Griffith R. TI - Endoscopic transtubular resection of a colloid cyst DP - 2014 Jan 01 TA - Neurosciences Journal PG - 43--46 VI - 19 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Neurosciences (Riyadh)2014 Jan 01; 19 AB - Colloid cysts, benign outgrowths from the roof of the third ventricle, warrant resection when they become symptomatic. Historically, this has been performed by craniotomy and a transcortical or a transcallosal approach that employs a pair of fixed blade retractors and an operating microscope. Less invasive endoscopic techniques have employed rigid endoscopes with single or dual working channels. We report the use of a tubular retractor as a transcortical port to resect a third ventricular colloid cyst. A 29-year-old woman presented with headache. The brain imaging demonstrated a third ventricular colloid cyst. We describe transcortical, transforaminal resection of a colloid cyst using stereotactically guided placement of a tubular retractor, endoscopic visualization, and bimanual dissection with traditional microinstruments. The increased range of viewing angles of the endoscope within the cylinder of access maintained by the tubular retractor facilitates resection of the cyst through a smaller opening.