PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Taha, Mahmoud S. AU - Haddad, Mahmoud I. AU - Almomen, Ali A. AU - Abdulkader, Marwa M AU - Alhazmi, Rami A. TI - Invasive aspergillosis of the central nervous system in immunocompetent patients in Saudi Arabia: Case series and review of the literature AID - 10.17712/nsj.2021.4.20210081 DP - 2021 Oct 01 TA - Neurosciences Journal PG - 379--384 VI - 26 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Neurosciences (Riyadh)2021 Oct 01; 26 AB - Objective: Invasive aspergillosis of the central nervous system in immunocompetent patients is a rare disease. We present in this study three cases that were treated in our centre and reviewed the results of similar studies from Saudi Arabia.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all cases of invasive aspergillosis of the central nervous system (CNS) that were treated in our hospital in the last 10 years. We also reviewed the literature for any similar series published from Saudi Arabia.Results: We had three cases treated in our centre and we also found three similar case series in the literature. Total number of cases, including our series was 28, age range from 17 to 66, 10 men and 18 women. The source of infection was nasal sinuses in all cases. Initial presentations were variable and included headache (80% of cases), proptosis or diplopia (50% of cases), seizures (20% of cases), cranial nerve palsies (18% of cases) and acute deterioration in level of consciousness (18% of cases). All patients underwent surgery followed by long course of antifungal treatment. Clinical outcome was reported as cured or no recurrence in 13 cases (47%).Conclusions: Invasive aspergillosis of CNS is a rare disease in immunocompetent patients. Despite treatment prognosis remains unfavourable in many cases.