Table 1

Summary of cases with malignant middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke treated with decompressive hemicraniectomy

CaseAge (yr)/SexRisk factors for strokeHemisphere involvedStroke to surgery time (hrs)Immediate pre-operative GCS24 hrs post-operative GCSmRS at 12-months follow-upBI at 12-months follow-up
148/FDM, portal vein thrombosisRight1201115360
254/MDM & HTNRight34360
36/Msickle cell anemiaRight64710415
439/MHTN, DM, ischemic heart diseaseLeft77350
657/MDM, HTN, ischemic heart diseaseLeft106360
  • HTN - Hypertension, DM - diabetis millietus, GCS - Glasgow Coma Score