Table 4

Audit data collection tool to monitor implementation of the CPG for management of CSE in children.

Items done and documented in the patient medical records
Date of birth (DOB):- - / - - / - - - - (day/month/year)
Type of patient◻New onset seizures ◻Known patient with seizures
Type of seizures◻Generalized◻Focal
Anti-epileptic drug (AED) levels done◻YES◻NO◻Not Indicated
Toxicology screening done◻YES◻NO◻Not Indicated
Blood cultures done◻YES◻NO◻Not Indicated
Lumbar puncture (LP) done◻YES◻NO◻Not Indicated
Electroencephalography (EEG) done◻YES◻NO◻Not Indicated
Neuroimaging studies done:
CT◻YES◻NO◻Not Indicated
MRI◻YES◻NO◻Not Indicated
Response to First-line therapy (Benzodiazepines):◻YES◻NO
Response to Second-line therapy (Phenytoin):◻YES◻NO
Response to Third-line therapy (Phenobarbitone):◻YES◻NO
Response to Alternative therapy:◻YES◻NO
Type of medication
Valproic acid◻YES◻NO
Response to Fourth-line therapy:-
Midazolam Infusion◻YES◻NO
Thiopental Infusion◻YES◻NO
Pentobarbital Infusion◻YES◻NO
Admission to PICU◻YES◻NO
Intubation/ Ventilation needed◻YES◻NO
Length of stay (LOS) (Days/Hours):-
 •Department of Emergency Medicine (DEM)
 • Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
 • Inpatient ward
 • Total LOS
Patient outcome◻Discharged◻Died
Follow up appointment in the Pediatric Neurology Clinic provided:◻YES◻NO