Table 1

Sensory motor NCS and needle EMG findings in disorders that may mimic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

DisordersSensory NCSMotor NCSMuscles involved by EMG
Motor neuron disease e.g. ALSNormal38Median CMAP: low amplitude
Ulnar CMAP: low amplitude38
EMG signs of LMN dysfunction in at least 2 of the 4 CNS regions: bulbar, cervical, thoracic, or lumbosacral spinal segments38
C8/T1 radiculopathyNormal39Median CMAP: normal or low amplitude
Ulnar CMAP: normal or low amplitude39
All or some of C8/T1 supplied muscles (APB, FDI, ADM, FPL, EIP, and paraspinals)40
Thoracic outlet syndrome (lower trunk)Median SNAP: normal
Ulnar and medial antebrachial
SNAP: low amplitude41
Median CMAP: low amplitude
Ulnar CMAP: less severe involvement than median CMAP42
All or some of C8/T1 supplied muscles (T1 worse than C8), sparing paraspinals41
Medial cord lesionMedian SNAP: normal
Ulnar and medial antebrachial
SNAPs: low amplitude41
Median CMAP: low amplitude
Ulnar CMAP: low amplitude41
C8/T1 muscles; spares fibers traveling through posterior cord (e.g., EIP) and Paraspinals41
C5 radiculopathyNormal39Median CMAP: normal
Ulnar CMAP: normal39
C5 muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid, brachioradialis, biceps, and C5 paraspinals40
C6 radiculopathyNormal39Median CMAP: normal
Ulnar CMAP: normal39
C6 muscles: as in C5 + PT, FCR, triceps, anconeus, EDC and C6 paraspinals40
C7 radiculopathyNormal39Median CMAP: normal
Ulnar CMAP: normal39
C7 muscles: triceps, anconeus, PT, FCR, EDC, and C7 paraspinals40
Upper trunkMedian-D1& 2 SNAP: low amplitude
Radial SNAP: low amplitude
Lateral antebrachial: low amplitude
Ulnar SNAP: normal41
Median CMAP: normal Ulnar CMAP: normal41All or some of C5/6 muscles (listed above) sparing paraspinals, serratus anterior and rhomboids41
Lateral cordMedian-D1, 2 & 3 SNAP: low amplitude
Lateral antebrachial: low amplitude
Ulnar SNAP: normal41
Radial SNAP: normal41
Median CMAP: normal
Ulnar CMAP: normal41
Biceps, brachialis, PT, and FCR41
Median nerve at or proximal to the elbowMedian SNAP: decreased
Ulnar SNAP normal43
Median CMAP: low amplitude
Ulnar CMAP: normal43
APB, FPL, FDP-D2 & 3, FDS, PQ, FCR and PT43
AIN neuropathyNormalNormalFPL, FDP-D2 & 3, PQ43
Length dependent axonal polyneuropathySural SNAPs are affected earlier and more severely than upper limb SNAPs44Lower limb CMAPs are affected earlier and more severely than upper limb CMAPs44Denervation is worse in distal compared to proximal muscles, and in lower more than upper limbs44
  • ADM - abductor digiti minimi, AIN - anterior interosseous nerve, ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, APB - abductor pollicis brevis, CMAP - compound muscle action potential, EDC - extensor digitorum communis, EIP - extensor indicis proprius, EMG - electromyography, FCR - flexor carpi radialis,

  • FDI - first dorsal interosseous, FDP D2 & 3 - flexor digitorum profundus digits 2 and 3, FDS - flexor digitorum superficialis, FPL - flexor pollicis longus, LMN - lower motor neuron, NCS - nerve conduction study, PQ - pronator quadratus, PT - pronator teres, SNAP - sensory nerve action potential