Table 3

Pre-post clinical measurements: muscle strength, pulmonary functions, and quality of life. N=60

MeasurementsPre-treatment Mean±SD/(median)Post-treatment Mean±SD/(median)P-value
Muscle strength#
 Planter flexors
 Pulmonary function#
  Forced Vital Capacity (l)2.09±0.352.27±0.37.001
  Forced Expiratory Volume(l)1.77±0.332.02±0.32.001
 Quality of Life Measures¥
  Barthel Index (Median)15.00 (30)42.00 (60).001
  Modified Rankin ScaleScore 4: 26 (43.3)*Score 3: 36 (60.0)**.001
  Score 5:34 (56.7)*Score 4: 24 (40.0)**
  • # Paired t-test,

  • ¥ Wilcoxon signed-rank test,

  • * Patients” scores before treatment were ranged between score 4 and score 5 (maximum to sever disability),

  • ** Patients” scores after treatment were progressed into score 3 and score 4 (moderately to maximum disability)