Table 2

Univariate analysis of mRS, EDSS, BI, and MSIS-29 (N=210).

n (%)Mean±SD
 No disability0-1120 (57.1)1.80±1.52
 Mild2-352 (24.8)
 Severe4-535 (16.7)
 Dead63 (1.4)
 Fully ambulatory without aid≤6146 (69.5)
 Ambulatory with aid6.5-7.532 (15.2)
 Restricted and severely disabled8-9.529 (13.8)
 Dead103 (1.4)
Barthel index
 Independent≥65185 (89.4)76.16±13.89
 Dependent<6522 (10.6)
MSIS-29§PHYS: 0-10033.6±27.6
PSYCH: 0-10038.2±25.8
  • * mRS - modified rankin score,

  • EDSS - expanded disability status scale, MSIS-29§ - multiple sclerosis impact scale, BI - barthel index, SD - standard deviation, PHYS - physical, PSYCH - psychological, ‡3 dead patients were not included in the analysis