Table 1

Distribution of characteristics of study subject (N=210).*

Demographic characteristicsn (%)
Age (years), (mean±SD)37.44±10.3
Age at diagnosis (years), (mean±SD)22.89±11.9
 Male64 (30.5)
 Female146 (69.5)
Delayed diagnosis
 Yes58 (28)
 No149 (72)
Number of attacks per year (mean±SD)2.28±1.91
Disease status last year
 Improved76 (36.2)
 Same80 (38.1)
 Worsen51 (24.3)
 Dead3 (1.4)
Previous DMT
 Yes132 (63.8)
 No75 (36.2)
Current DMT
 Yes159 (76.8)
 No48 (23.2)*
DMT distribution
 Interferon beta-1a (Avonex)13 (8.2)
 Glatiramer acetate1 (0.6)
 Interferon beta-1a (Rebif)63 (39.6)
 Teriflunomide12 (7.5)
 Dimethyl fumarate5 (3.2)
 Alemtuzumab3 (1.9)
 Natalizumab16 (10.1)
 Daclizumab1 (0.6)
 Compliant127 (79.9)
 Moderate16 (10.1)
 Not compliant16 (10.1)
DMT duration (months), (mean±SD)49.8±43.5
 Yes38 (18.4)
 No162 (78.3)
 Quit7 (3.4)
Smoking type
 Cigarette21 (46.7)
 Shisha21 (46.7)
 Both3 (6.7)
Duration of smoking, (years), (mean±SD)11.54±7.5
  • * 3 dead patients were not included in the analysis,

  • DMT - disease modifying treatment,

  • 51 patients were not using medications. SD - standard deviation