Table 2

Responses of participants to questions testing their knowledge of brain death (N=1244).

Variablesn (%)
Brain death is
 Stopping of heart9 (0.7)
 Reversible stopping in brain function278 (22.3)
 Irreversible stopping in brain function*957 (76.9)
What do you think causes brain death?
 Correct answers include: stroke\road traffic accident\heart attack\tumors945 (76)
 I don’t know299 (24)
Can brain dead patients donate all their organs?
 Yes*835 (67.1)
 No144 (11.6)
 I don’t know265 (21.3)
Can brain death be cured?
 Yes264 (21.1)
 No*539 (43.3)
 I don’t know441 (35.6)
Do you think brain death is real death?
 Yes*334 (26.8)
 No691 (55.5)
 I don’t know219 (17.6)
Is brain death different from a coma?
 Yes*987 (79.3)
 No90 (7.2)
 I don’t know167 (13.4)
What are the signs of brain death? (choose more than one answer)
 Patient do not respond to light*396 (31.9)
 Patient does not show any reaction to pain*411 (33.1)
 Eyes do not move when head is moved*232 (18.7)
 Patient does not breathe without a ventilator*551 (44.4)
 Patient can respond to light26 (2.1)
 Patient shows reaction to pain24 (1.9)
 Patient can breathe without a ventilator23 (1.9)
 I don’t know370 (29.8)
 All the above48 (3.9)
Which of the following can determine brain death?
 Neurologist*184 (14.8)
 Neurosurgeon44 (3.5)
 Religious scholar1 (0.1)
 Both neurologist and neurosurgeon848 (68.2)
 All the above81 (6.5)
 I don’t know86 (3.9)
Do you consider brain death to be a reliable diagnosis?
 Yes431 (34.6)
 No, the brain death criteria are disputable and can be misinterpreted246 (19.8)
 No, medical staff may lack appropriate knowledge136 (10.9)
 I don’t know431 (34.6)
  • * Correct answer