Table 1

Relevant Past Medical History and Interventions of A 41-year-old, nonsmoker, married man who works in a college with no past relevant family or medical.

DatesSummaries from initial and follow-up visitsDiagnostic testingInterventions
March 2014Local ER
- He complained of blurry vision and headache, and after 2 hours he developed generalized tonic-clonic seizure.
- He was taken to the ER
- CT
- Brain MRI
- Lumbar puncture
- Refer to the medication table below
- Intubation
- Antibiotics
2 weeks later and for the next 8 monthsTertiary hospital
- Comatosed with intermittent twitching of the face and upper extremity
- Prolonged seizure that lasted for more than 10 mins
- Antiphospholipid syndrome diagnosed
- Episodic right arm and leg jerk with right facial twitching
- Seizure suppression
- Neuropsychologists evaluation
- Stayed in the epilepsy ward for few months
- Head CT
- Head MRI
- Neck Magnetic resonance angiography and venography (MRA/MRV)
- Cerebral angiography
- Continuous EEG
- Lumbar puncture
- Antibody workup
- Paraneoplastic workup
- Infection workup
- Whole body pet scan
- Refer to the medication table below
- Intubated and ventilated on tracheostomy
- Induced hypothermia
After discharge
- 7 months of follow up by the rheumatology and epilepsy service he remained seizure free.
- Schizophrenia developed
Refer to the medication table below
- Seizure control
- Moderate cognitive impairment
- Later developed Schizophrenia
  • ER - emergency room, ICU - intensive care unit, CT MRI - Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRA/MRV - Magnetic resonance angiography and venography, EEG - Electroencephalography