Physical Exercise | Voluntary wheel running promotes BDNF expression and neurogenesis in the HC32 Treadmill exercise enhances spatial memory and increases synaptic plasticity-related proteins in the HC33 Swimming exercise mitigates stress-induced hippocampal damage34
| - Aerobic exercise boosts hippocampal size in aged adults35 Resistance training improves hippocampal-dependent memory in older adults36 High-intensity interval training enhances hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive function37
Environmental Enrichment | An enriched environment promotes dendritic branching and spine density in hippocampal neurons38 - Environmental enrichment enhances hippocampal neurogenesis and improves spatial memory39 An enriched environment mitigates age-related decline in hippocampal function40
| - Cognitive and social stimulation programs improve hippocampal-dependent cognitive functions in older adults41 - Multimodal lifestyle interventions, including cognitive stimulation, show promise in preserving hippocampal volume42
Social Support | - Social housing reduces stress-induced hippocampal atrophy in rodents. - Social play enhances hippocampal plasticity in juvenile rats42,43
| - Strong social networks are linked with higher hippocampal sizes in older adults - Social engagement is related to reduced risk of hippocampal degeneration in early life44,45
Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions | | - CBT for depression increases hippocampal volume - Memory training enhances hippocampal functional connectivity - Cognitive remediation therapy improves hippocampal activation during memory tasks in schizophrenia patients47
Mindfulness Techniques | | - Mindfulness-based stress reduction increases gray matter concentration in the HC. - Long-term meditation practice is associated with larger hippocampal volumes - Mindfulness training improves hippocampal-dependent memory in older adults49
Dietary Interventions | - Omega-3 fatty acid in food intake enhances hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive function. - Caloric restriction promotes hippocampal neurogenesis and improves memory. - Ketogenic diet enhances hippocampal neuroplasticity50,51
| - Mediterranean diet is associated with larger hippocampal volumes in older adults - Flavonoid-rich diet improves hippocampal-dependent memory in older adults - Intermittent fasting enhances hippocampal function and neuroplasticity52
Pharmacological Interventions | - Antidepressants enhance hippocampal neurogenesis in animals with depression. - HDAC inhibitors enhance hippocampal-dependent memory formation. - BDNF mimetics promote hippocampal plasticity and cognitive function53,54
| - Lithium treatment increases hippocampal volume in bipolar disorder patients. - SSRIs can enhance the growth of new neurons in the human HC. - Modafinil enhances hippocampal-dependent memory consolidation55