Table 1

- Cases of Marchiafava-Bignami disease (MBD) post-bariatric surgeries.

 Yıldırım Z et al8Bachar M et al9Salazar G et al10Alshimemeri S et al (our paper)
Demographics58yo, F44yo, F62yo, F45yo, F
Type of bariatric surgeryIntragastric balloonRoux-en-Y gastric bypassNot specifiedLaparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Other comorbiditiesNoneSchizophrenia and bipolar disorder.NoneNone
Interval between surgery and presentation7 days23 years5 years40 days
Laboratory findingsHypokalemiaHigh MCV, low albumin, elevated LFTs, high ammonia levels.Low vitamin B12 and B9 levelsHypernatremia, elevated LFTs and high glucose and protein in her CSF
Lesions’ locationSplenium of the CCSplenium of the CC and posterior limb of internal capsuleThe entire corpus callosum.Splenium of the CC and cerebellar peduncles
TreatmentIV fluids, IV K+, metoclopramide, Vitamin supplementation, antipsychotics.Vitamin replacement, MgSO4, antipsychotics, corticosteroids.Vitamin replacement, Anti-Epileptics.IV fluids, Vitamin replacement, Diphenhydramine, and metoclopramide
RecoveryCompleteCompleteSubstantial recovery, however incompleteSubstantial recovery, however incomplete
Follow-up period14 days10 days3 months6 months

F: Female, MCV: Mean cell volume, LFTs: Liver function tests, CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid, CC: Corpus callosum.