Table 1

Clinical aspects of first seizure patients aged 6-18 months with and without meningitis that underwent lumbar puncture.

VariableMeningitis, n (%)P-value
Positive (N=80)Negative (N=373)
 Male42 (52.5)193 (51.7)
 Female38 (47.5)180 (48.3)
Febrile seizure0.83
 Apparently simple35 (43.8)168 (45.0)
 Apparently complex45 (56.2)205 (55.0)
Frequency of seizure attack0.61
 Once55 (68.8)267 (71.6)
 Twice or more25 (31.2)106 (28.4)
Duration of seizure0.15
 <15 mins74 (92.5)323 (86.6)
 ≥ 15 mins6 (7.5)50 (13.4)
Postictal drowsiness0.003
 Yes69 (86.2)260 (69.7)
 No11 (13.8)113 (30.3)
Neurological deficit0.000
 Yes4 (5.0)1 (0.3)
 No76 (95.0)372 (99.7)
Body temperature0.035
 <38.5°c38 (47.5)225 (60.3)
 ≥38.5°c42 (52.5)148 (39.7)
 <10.5 gr/dl49 (61.2)175 (46.9)
 ≥10.5 gr/dl31 (38.8)198 (53.1)
White blood cell count0.004
 <15000 mm350 (62.5)291 (78.0)
 ≥15000 mm330 (37.5)82 (22.0)
Family history of febrile seizure0.024
 Yes6 (7.5)66 (17.7)
 No74 (92.5)307 (82.3)
Time of seizure occurrence from beginning of fever0.38
 <24 hours36 (45)188 (50.4)
 >24 hours44 (55)185 (49.6)