Table 2

Correlations between suicide probability scale, ways of coping with stress inventory and brief symptom inventory.*

 Total score-
 Suicidal ideation.70**.65**-
 Negative self-evaluation.34**-.01-.24**-
 Self-confident approach-.02-.15**-.36**.49**-.20**-
 Optimistic approach-.15**-.24**-.35**.37**-.32**.70**-
 Helpless approach.38**.48**.37**-.15**.35**-.08-.12**-
 Submissive approach.23**.25**.20**.00.15**.03.15**.47**-
 Support seeking approach-.13**-.21**-.27**.26**-.22**.23**.21**-.19**-.17**-
 Negative self.66**.67**.73**-.16**.64**-.31**-.31**.37**.17**-.20**.85**.79**-
  • 1 - SPS total, 2 - Hopelessness, 3 - Suicidal ideation, 4 - Negative self-evaluation, 5 - Hostility, 6 - Self-confident approach, 7 - Optimistic approach, 8 - Helpless approach, 9 - Submissive approach, 10 - Social support seeking approach, 11 - Anxiety, 12 - Depression, 13 - Negative self, 14 - Somatization, 15 - Hostility,

  • * p<0.05;

  • ** p<0.01, SPS - Suicide probability scale, WCSI - Coping with Stress Inventory, BSI - Brief symptom inventory