Table 1

Characteristics of the children with cerebral palsy and mother.

Children characteristicsBaselineTotal CSHQ score
Age, mean±SD (years)7.05±2.69
Weight, mean±SD (kg)23.51±9.95
Sex Male/Female n (%)13 (54.2) / 11 (45.8)NS
Gestation n (%)
 Preterm12 (50)
 37–42 weeks12 (50)NS
 Hearing impairment2 (8.3)NS
 Visual impairment5 (20.9)NS
 Cognitive impairment5 (20.9)NS
 Epilepsy10 (41.7)NS
 Urinary incontinence10 (41.7)NS
 Faecal incontinence12 (50)NS
 Night time splint use20 (83.3)NS
 Baclophen use4 (16.7)NS
BoNT-A dose for UL1.63±3.59
BoNT-A dose for LL8.87±4.13
Total BoNT-A dose10.5±4.03
Mother characteristics mean±SD
 Age, years33.46±8.08
 Education, years6.34±2.24
 Married22 (91.7)0.03*
  • CSHQ - Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire, BoNT-A - Botulinum toxin serotype A, UL - upper Limb, LL - lower limb, y - years, SD - standard deviations, n - numbers, NS - not significant,

  • * Mann–Whitney U test