How often do you discuss surgical options — when indicated — with your epilepsy patients? (positive statement) |
0 = Never | 3 (2.8) |
1 = Rarely | 14 (13.2) |
2 = Sometimes | 38 (35.8) |
3 = Very often | 28 (26.4) |
4 = Always | 23 (21.7) |
Epilepsy surgery is a dangerous procedure (negative statement) |
0 = Strongly agree | 1 (0.9) |
1 = Somewhat agree | 18 (17) |
2 = Neither agree nor disagree | 24 (22.6) |
3 = Somewhat disagree | 34 (32.1) |
4 = Strongly disagree | 29 (27.4) |
Epilepsy surgery should be viewed as a last resort for patients with epilepsy. (negative statement) |
0 = Strongly agree | 11 (10.4) |
1 = Somewhat agree | 25 (23.6) |
2 = Neither agree nor disagree | 12 (11.3) |
3 = Somewhat disagree | 33 (31.1) |
4 = Strongly disagree | 25 (23.6) |
If I had epilepsy that was amenable to surgical therapy, I would agree to the option of epilepsy surgery. (positive statement) |
4 = Strongly agree | 66 (62.3) |
3 = Somewhat agree | 31 (29.2) |
2 = Neither agree nor disagree | 7 (6.6) |
1 = Somewhat disagree | 1 (0.9) |
0 = Strongly disagree | 1 (0.9) |
If one of my relatives had epilepsy that was amenable to surgical therapy, I would encourage him/her to undergo epilepsy surgery. (positive statement) |
4 = Strongly agree | 68 (64.4) |
3 = Somewhat agree | 30 (28.3) |
2 = Neither agree nor disagree | 5 (4.7) |
1 = Somewhat disagree | 0 (0) |
0 = Strongly disagree | 3 (2.8) |
Epilepsy surgery is an underutilized treatment method of epilepsy. (positive statement) |
4 = Strongly agree | 66 (62.3) |
3 = Somewhat agree | 23 (21.7) |
2 = Neither agree nor disagree | 9 (8.5) |
1 = Somewhat disagree | 7 (6.6) |
0 = Strongly disagree | 1 (0.9) |
Specialized epilepsy centers should be available in all tertiary hospitals. (positive statement) |
4 = Strongly agree | 76 (71.7) |
3 = Somewhat agree | 19 (17.9) |
2 = Neither agree nor disagree | 5 (4.7) |
1 = Somewhat disagree | 4 (3.8) |
0 = Strongly disagree | 2 (1.9) |
I think epilepsy surgery is a cost-effective treatment option. (positive statement) |
4 = Strongly agree | 70 (66) |
3 = Somewhat agree | 21 (19.8) |
2 = Neither agree nor disagree | 8 (7.5) |
1 = Somewhat disagree | 5 (4.7) |
0 = Strongly disagree | 2 (1.9) |