Table 2

Mitochondrial cocktail supplements

Riboflavin (B2)50–400 mg po OD in children and 50–400 mg po OD in adults
Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10)2–8 mg/kg po daily BID in children and 50–600 mg po OD in adults
L-Creatine0.1 g/kg po OD; maximum 10 g/d in children and 5 g po OD or BID in adults
L-Arginine150–300 mg/kg po BID to TID in children and adults
L-Carnitine10–100 mg/kg daily po TID in children and 100–1000 mg per dose po BID to TID in adults
Vitamin E1–2 IU/kg po daily in children and 100–200 IU po daily in adults
Vitamin C5 mg/kg po daily in children and 50–200 mg po daily in adults
Alpha-lipoic acid50–200 mg per day