Table 2

Measurement of parameters on day 3

VariablesControl groupTBI groupCerebral tumor surgery group*P-value
ALT (IU/L)30.8±32.733.3±22.624.3±18.60.1435
AST (IU/L)23.7±15.848.7±31.319.7±15.9<0.0001
TP (g/L)63.4±5.154.2±6.358.6±6.2<0.0001
ALB (g/L)40.7±3.831.2±4.435.6±4.8<0.0001
GLB (g/L)22.6±3.223.0±3.223.0±2.70.9001
TBIL (µmol/L)11.29±6.3013.47±5.7913.90±7.070.2899
Glu (mmol/L)4.61±0.487.55±2.285.83±0.99<0.0001
Cr (µmol/L)60.9±15.362.7±20.758.1±21.30.7311
Cys (mg/L)0.89±0.200.78±0.260.88±0.200.1105
BUN (mmol/L)4.55±1.644.59±1.974.84±1.510.8528
Lipid metabolism
 TGs (mmol/L)1.87±1.201.31±0.640.89±0.380.0014
 Cho (mmol/L)4.09±1.143.48±0.804.12±1.380.0583
Urine parameters
 UNa+ (mmol/24h)268.0±95.7291.2±167.0325.5±204.60.3874
 UK+ (mmol/24h)42.60±21.8883.36±41.8343.94±18.58<0.0001
 UCl- (mmol/24h)244.7±104.6319.0±160.8273.6±171.80.1566
Serum electrolyte level
 Na+ (mmol/L)141.2±2.6144.5±8.1138.7±4.40.0055
 K+ (mmol/L)4.11±0.323.96±0.413.83±0.690.1378
 Ca2+ (mmol/L)2.19±0.102.01±0.082.12±0.10<0.0001
 Mg2+ (mmol/L)0.86±0.060.89±0.080.87±0.070.1810
 Cl- (mmol/L)102.2±3.6107.2±9.399.3±3.90.0003
 HCO3- (mmol/L)24.7±2.524.1±3.624.7±3.10.7620
 Phos (mmol/L)1.17±0.190.80±0.221.08±0.22<0.0001
 NE (ng/L)220(139)305(275)72.5(78)<0.0001
 E (ng/L)92(53)77(59)52.5(57)0.0251
  • Continuous data are mean±SD, median (IQR).

  • * P-value for patients between three groups. GCS - Glasgow Coma Scale, ALT - alanine transaminase, AST - aspartate transaminase, TP - serum total protein, ALB - albumin, GLB - globulin, TBIL - total bilirubin, Glu - fasting blood glucose, Cr - serum creatinine, Cys - serum cysteine, BUN - blood urea nitrogen, UpH - pH in urine, SPGR - specific gravity of urine, UNa+ - 24-hour urine sodium concentrations, UK+ - 24-hour urine potassium concentrations, UCl- - 24-hour urine chlorine concentrations, TGs - triglycerides, Cho - cholesterol, Na+ - serum sodium concentrations, K+ - serum potassium concentrations, Ca2+ - serum calcium, Mg2+ - serum magnesium, Cl- - serum chlorine concentrations, HCO3- - serum bicarbonate radical, Phos - serum phosphate radical, NE - serum norepinephrine, E - serum epinephrine