Table 1

Summary of all 6 tasks; Picture Verb Generation (VGp), Semantic Category Generations (SCG), Silent Word Generation (SWG), Verb Generation words (VGw), Verb Generation audio (VGa), and Rhyming (RH).

#TaskTask descriptionDurationImages
•Alternating 4-ON/5-OFF blocks with 30 s per block.
•In each ON block; 6 black/white images were presented.
1VGp•Participant was asked to think of as much as he/she can of (action words) from each image that showed during the scan. And to relax when the crosshair appeared on the screen, with his/her eyes kept open.270 secGraphic
•Alternating 4-ON/5-OFF blocks with 30 s per block.
•It consisted of different categories displayed during ON blocks.
2SCG•The participant was asked to think as much as he/she can about names in the same category displayed (animals, furniture, fruit & vegetable, cloths).270 secGraphic
•Alternating 4-ON/5-OFF blocks with 30 s per block.
•Three Arabic letters were displayed in each ON block
3SWG•Participant was asked to think about words starting with the letter displayed, and to do nothing at rest with keeping his/her eyes open.270 secGraphic
•Alternating 4-ON/5-OFF blocks with 30 s per block.
•In each ON block; six nouns were presented.
4VGw•Participant instructed to think of a verb that is associated with the noun that showed during the scan. For example, the word “ball” might generate the verb “hit”. And to relax when the crosshair appeared on the screen, with his/her eyes kept open.270 secGraphic
•It is similar to VGw, although stimuli were presented in different order through the headphones.
5VGa•Patients were instructed to think of the response, but not to vocalize it.270 secGraphic
•This paradigm started and ended with 12 sec rest moment.
•Consisted of 16 blocks, 8 blocks of pair words and 8 blocks of pair symbols interleaved to each other.
6RH•Total of 64 pairs of word and 64 pairs of symbols, where pairs remained for 3 sec.408 secGraphic
•Participant was asked to press the button on the response pad when non-rhyme.
  • VGp - Verb Generation - Picture Format, SCG - Semantic Category Generations, SWG - Silent Word Generation, VGw - Verb Generation words, VGa - Verb Generation audio, RH - rhyming, sec - second