Table 1

Demographics and baselines of patients.

VariablesControl group (n=49)TBI group (n=32)Cerebral tumor surgery group (n=19)P-value*
Age (years)50(10)47(22)43(24)0.0093
Female sex, n(%)34(69)12(40)10(52)0.0603
BMI (kg/m2)23.86±2.3722.29±2.5823.22±3.700.0931
Diagnosis, n(%)NA
 Peripheral vertigo10(20)
 Anxiety or depression status21(43)
 Peripheral nerve disease6(12)
 Thyroid disorder6(12)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage23(72)
Subdural hemorrhage15(47)
Extradural hemorrhage8(25)
Intracranial hematoma16(50)
Initial sUA (µmol/L)286.8±65.4271.7±81.90.0809
Baseline sUA (µmol/L)301.9±49.0
 ALT (IU/L)27.5±24.427.9±17.635.1±26.10.5017
 AST (IU/L) (13-35 IU/L)**22.7±9.841.9±34.826.8±12.90.0014
 TP (g/L) (65-85 g/L)**65.3±6.061.3±10.968.2±5.60.0159
 ALB (g/L)40.9±3.637.7±6.742.8±2.10.0013
 GLB (g/L)24.3±3.723.6±5.525.4±5.00.4711
 Cr (µmol/L)56.2±14.564.5±14.764.9±20.60.0251
 Cys (mg/L)0.87±0.200.76±0.230.94±0.210.0138
 BUN (mmol/L)4.80±1.394.81±1.594.76±1.910.9927
 TGs (mmol/L)2.00±1.741.11±0.921.27±0.880.0185
 Cho (mmol/L)4.08±1.073.42±1.104.37±1.600.0202
Serum electrolyte level
 Na+ (mmol/L)140.9±2.1140.4±5.4140.8±2.80.8637
 K+ (mmol/L)4.30±0.303.75±0.474.09±0.41<0.0001
 Ca2+ (mmol/L)2.21±0.112.06±0.152.28±0.06<0.0001
 Mg2+ (mmol/L)0.85±0.070.76±0.100.83±0.06<0.0001
 Cl- (mmol/L)102.9±2.7104.1±9.1101.7±3.70.3320
 HCO3- (mmol/L)24.2±3.019.4±3.024.4±1.9<0.0001
 Phos (mmol/L)1.11±0.190.83±0.221.15±0.18<0.0001
  • Categorical data are n(%) and continuous data are mean±SD, median (IQR). NA - not applicable.

  • * P-value for patients between three groups;

  • ** Reference ranges were showing when the subject demographics showing abnormal. BMI - body mass index; ALT - alanine transaminase; AST - aspartate transaminase; TP - serum total protein; ALB - albumin; GLB - globulin; Cr - serum creatinine; Cys - serum cysteine; BUN - blood urea nitrogen; TGs - triglycerides; Cho - cholesterol; Na+- serum sodium concentrations; K+- serum potassium concentrations; Cl-- serum chlorine concentrations; HCO3-- serum bicarbonate radical; Ca2+- serum calcium; Mg2+- serum magnesium; Phos - serum phosphate radical