Table 3

- Imaging modality and diagnoses (n=329).

Variablesn (%)
Neuroimaging performed
CT head262 (79.6)
MRI brain255 (77.5)
Both CT and MRI188 (57.1)
Abnormal neuroimaging105 (31.9)
Final diagnosis as reported
Primary headache54 (16.4)
Migraine47 (14.3)
Tension-type5 (1.5)
Hemicrania continua1(.3)
Secondary headache160 (48.6)
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension33 (10.0)
Ischemic stroke21 (6.4)
Brain tumor19 (5.8)
Intracranial hemorrhage13 (4.0)
CNS infection12 (3.6)
Cerebral venous thrombosis10 (3.0)
Other52 (15.8)
Non-specific headache115 (35.0)

Data are number (%) unless otherwise noted