Table 2

- Cox proportional hazard analysis for comparison of the recurrence of ischemic stroke between the dual antiplatelet therapy and monotherapy groups after adjusting for baseline covariates.

CovariateStroke recurrenceHazard ratio (95% confidence interval)P-value
Hypertension141012.23 (0.95–15.12)0.060
Diabetes mellitus1270.41 (0.07–2.36)0.320
Dyslipidemia132.33 (0.41–13.33)0.340
Ischemic heart disease350.42 (0.06–3.00)0.380
Heavy smocking410.18 (0.01–3.07)0.230
  • DAPT - Dual Antiplatelet Therapy with Aspirin + Clopidogrel, AM - Antiplatelet Monotherapy with Aspirin or Clopidogrel