Table 2

Shows the pathological types of the KFUH study.14

Low grade glioma (pilocytic WHO 1) and(diffuse astrocytoma (WHO 11)40(28)
Anaplastic Astrocytoma (WHO 111)18(12.5)
Oligodendroglioma (WHO 11)8(6)
Anaplastic oligodendrioglioma1(0.7)
Mixed glioma (WHO 11)3(2.1)
GBM (WHO 1V)30(21)
Ependymoma (WHO 1 and 11)7(4.9)
PNET (WHO 1V)28(19.5)
Choroid plexus papilloma/ carcinoma4(2.8)
Pineal tumors3(1)
  • GBM - Glioblastoma multiforme, PNET - Primitive Neuroectrodermal Tumor, MB - Medulloblastoma