Comparison of studies that have examined giant spinal schwannoma cases in the literature.
Literature | No. of cases | Localization | Complications |
Correa et al, 201311 | 1 | Thoracic | - |
Çağlı et al, 201210 | 13 | Sacral | L5 nerve root injury, CSF leak, sphincter disturbance, iliac vein injury |
Kagaya et al, 200012 | 1 | Cauda equina | Temporary loss of motor function |
Ogosa et al, 200113 | 1 | Sacral | Temporary sciatic weakness |
Ozdemir et al, 201014 | 6 | All levels | Three instability cases |
Sridhar et al, 20014 | 10 | All levels | Fusion applied to all patients, one patient exhibited CSF leak |
Yu et al, 201215 | 14 | All levels | Four recurrences, 2 instability cases |
Current study | 18 | All levels | 2 CSF leaks, 2 local infections |
GSS - giant spinal schwannoma, L - lumbar, CSF - cerebrospinal fluid