Table 1

General characteristics of included amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients.

StudyALS/controlNationGender ratio (M:F)Age at sample (mean)%Bulbar onsetBMI (kg/m2)ALSFRS (/48) (mean)%FVC (mean)Quality scoresFerritin assay (/30)
Goodall et al 20081160/44UK2.1660.0NRNRNRNR26NR
Qureshi et al 20081230/30USA1.31NRNRNRNRNR29NR
Nadjar et al 201214629/297France1.0561.534.1NR30.62NR29NIA
Ikeda et al 20121392/92Japan1.6358.810.922.640.3094.329EIA
Veyrat-Durebex et al 201415104/145France1.0867.640.8NR37.0082.029EIA
Su et al 201516138/152USA1.7162.135.5NRNRNR28EIA
  • M:F - the ratio of males to females for included ALS patient, %Bulbar onset - the percentage of bulbar onset defined as symptoms first occurring at the bulbar level with dysphagia, dysphonia, or dysarthria, BMI - body mass index, ALSFRS - ALS functional rating scale, FVC - forced vital capacity,

  • NR - not reported, NIA - nephelometric immunoassay, EIA electrochemiluminescence immunoassay, quality scores were assigned using the Downs and Black quality assessment scale (DBQAS)