Table 1

Five basic steps to taking an evidence-based approach.

Five basic steps to taking an evidence-based approach- “5 Step Model.”
1. ASK: Formulate a focused, clinically pertinent question from a patient’s problem.
A strategy for formulating specific questions is the P.I.C.O.T.S acronym:
  •  Patient (the person presenting with the problem, or the Problem itself)
  •  Intervention (action taken in response to the problem, for example endoscopic surgery)
  •  Comparison (benchmark against which the intervention is measured, for example microscopic surgery)
  •  Outcome (anticipated result of the intervention, for example visual outcome)
  •  Time Frame
  •  Settings
2. ACQUIRE: Searching for and retrieving of appropriate literature (best available research evidence)
3. APPRAISE: Critically review and grading of this literature (critically evaluating and appraising the evidence for its validity and usefulness),
4. APPLY: Summarizing and formulating recommendations from the best available evidence.
5. ACT: Recommendations from step 4 are integrated with the physician’s experience and patient factors to determine optimal care (that is, implementing the findings in clinical practice).