Table 1

Case summary of ipsilateral hemiparesis after supratentorial stroke.

AuthorsCases (n)Patients’ ageStroke typeStroke locationImagingStrokes
Hosokawa et al91-ICHthalamus, ICCTfirst
Terakawa et al5162ICHputamenCTfirst
Ago et al8159ISCRfMRIsecond
Song et al2241ISCRMRI/fMRIsecond
Ng et al7155ISCR, putamenMRI/DTITfirst
Kang and Choi6135ISF, IC, putamenMRIfirst
Alurkar et al3155ISCRMRIfirst
Saada and Antonios1257ISO, F, parietalMRIsecond
Our patient158ISFMRIfirst
  • ICH - intracerebral hemorrhage, IS - ischemic stroke, IC - internal capsule, CR - corona radiata, F - frontal, O - occipital, DTIT - diffusion tensor imaging tractography Neurosciences-21-275