Table 3

Summary of the most common responses to the open-ended autism service questions among autism center in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (n=136).

Question and responsesn (%)
Best services provided by the center
 Physical and occupational training24 (17.5)
 Speech and language therapy16 (12)
 Special education12 (9)
 Behavioral modification9 (6.5)
 Computer training and utilization7 (5)
 Other / not specified68 (50)
Most important obstacles in providing adequate service
 Family involvement32 (24)
 Child’s behavioral problems18 (13)
 Increased number of students12 (9)
 Work environment and space7 (5)
 Poor child’s hygiene4 (3)
 Other / not specified63 (46)
Suggestions to improve the autism services
 Increased parental involvement22 (16)
 Increased manpower18 (13)
 Improving work space and environment11 (8)
 Reduce number of children per classroom7 (5)
 Increase number of services4 (3)
 Other / not specified74 (55)