Table 2

Summary of medications used in treatment of acute attacks of migraine.

First line medications TriptansSecond line medications Ergot derivatives
Specific RxDoseSide effectsDrugDoseSide effects
Almotriptan12.5 mg, max 25 mg/dayDizziness, weakness. Hot flushes, nausea, and vomitingErgotamine2 mg, max 6 mg/dayNausea, vomiting, rebound headache
Dihydro-ergotamine1 mg IM or IV, max of 2 mg/dayNausea, leg cramps at site of injection
Eletriptan40 mg, max 5 mg/day
Frovatriptan2.5 mg, max 5 mg/day
Naratriptan2.5 mg, max 5 mg/dayPins and needles sensation, elevated blood pressure
Rizatriptan5 or 10 mg, max 20 mg/day
Sumatriptan50 mg, max 200-300 mg/day
Zolmitriptan2.5 mg, max10 mg/day
NSAIDOther classes
Non-specific RxDoseSide effectsDoseSide effects
Diclofenac50 mg, max 150 mg/dayGI upsetButalbitalMax 4 tablets/dayWeakness, addictive potential
Ibuprofen400 mg, max 2400 mg/dayOpioidsLimits for each individual drugAddiction or drug dependency
SteroidsLimits for each individual drugUsual steroid adverse effects
  • Rx -prescription, max - maximum, IM - intramuscular, IV - intravenous, GI - gastrointestinal