Table 1

Major congenital malformation rates (mentioned between parenthesis) with common AED monotherapies during pregnancy, compared with unexposed pregnancies, from different registries around the world.

Registry / StudyHealthyσWWEσCBZLTGLVTVPATPM
n (MCM rate in percentage)
Pregnancy registry of South India / Thomas et al 201719319 (3.45)252 (5.56)389 (5.40)38 (2.63)30 (3.33)268 (8.96)¥-
North American AED pregnancy registry /Hernandez et al 201220442 (1.1)-1033 (3.0)1562 (2.0)450 (2.4)323 (9.3)¥359 (4.2)¥
Australian pregnancy registry / Vajda et al 201421-153 (3.3)*346 (5.5)307 (4.6)82 (2.4)253 (13.8)¥42 (2.4)
Medical birth registry of Norway / Veiby et al 201422, 771,412 (2.9)3773 (2.8)685 (2.9)833 (3.4)118 (1.7)333(6.3)¥48 (4.2)
UK epilepsy and pregnancy register / Campbell et al 201423, β--1718 (2.6)2198 (2.3)-1290 (6.7)-
EURAP epilepsy and pregnancy registry / Tomson et al 201124, β--148 (1.3)836 (1.7)-431 (4.2)-
  • WWE - Women with Epilepsy, CBZ - Carbamazepine, LTG - Lamotrigine, LVT - Levetiracetam, VPA - Valproic Acid, TPM - Topiramate,

  • σ Pregnant women who were not exposed to AED (during the first trimester in case of WWE), n - total number of pregnancies and / or fetuses, either exposed or not exposed (healthy and WWE columns) to AED, from which the MCM rate was determined.

  • ¥ Significant values, where RR or OR was calculated between exposed and unexposed groups,

  • * women who were not healthy, because of epilepsy or other diseases that required AED use, but did not use them during the first trimester,

  • odds ratio was calculated instead of RR,

  • β no unexposed reference group for comparison, the study compares effect of dose among individual AEDs, and the MCM rate shown in the table is with the lowest dose