Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of all participants.

CharacteristicsAll participantsPersonally deliveredProvided onlineχ2
n (%)
Age group
 <18277 (9.2)69 (4.6)208 (13.9)80.84*
 18-392318 (77.3)1142 (76.1)1176 (78.4)
 40+291 (9.0)178 (11.9)113 (7.5)
 Not declared114 (3.8)111 (7.4)3 (0.2)
 Male781 (26.0)552 (36.8)229 (15.3)170.306*
 Female2134 (71.1)926 (61.7)1208 (80.5)
 Not declared85 (2.8)22 (1.5)63 (4.2)
 Riyadh476 (15.9)0 0476 (31.7)1189.797*
 Jeddah2145 (21.5)1500 (100)645 (43)
 South72 (2.4)0 072 (4.8)
 North72 (2.4)0 072 (4.8)
 East189 (6.3)0 0189 (12.6)
 Outside KSA40 (1.4)0 040 (2.7)
 Not declared6 (0.2)0 06 (0.4)
Ethnic group
 Arab2251 (75.0)1094 (72.9)1157 (77.1)0.682
 Other126 (4.2)66 (4.4)60 (4.0)
 Not declared623 (20.8)340 (22.7)283 (18.9)
 Arabic2907 (96.9)1423 (94.9)1484 (98.9)24.187
 English47 (1.6)40 (2.7)7 (0.5)
 Not declared46 (1.5)37 (2.5)9 (0.6)
Marital status
 Single1745 (58.2)851 (56.7)894 (59.6)8.638*
 Married1131 (37.7)615 (41.0)516 (34.4)
 Not declared124 (4.1)34 (2.3)90 (6.0)
Highest level of education
 None21 (0.7)14 (0.9)7 (0.5)25.608*
 <University1010 (33.7)497 (33.1)513 (34.2)
 ≥University1894 (63.1)943 (62.9)951 (63.4)
 Other23 (0.8)23 (1.5)0 (0.0)
 Not declared52 (1.7)23 (1.5)29 (1.9)
Work status
 Employed1107 (36.9)733 (48.9)374 (24.9)180.668*
 Unemployed1818 (60.6)738 (49.2)1080 (72.0)
 Not declared75 (2.5)29 (1.9)46 (3.1)
CNST contact
 Yes893 (29.8)471 (31.4)422 (28.1)6.908*
 No2006 (66.9)952 (63.5)1054 (70.3)
 Not declared101 (3.40)77 (5.1)24 (1.6)
  • CNST - Central nervous system tumor, KSA - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Pearson Chi-Square test for independence comparing characteristics for participants recruited via the personally delivered verses the online provided method.

  • * represents significance p<0.05