Comparison of correct answers towards knowledge of guidelines for management of febrile seizure between the study subjects of general pediatrics and pediatric neurology specialties.
Items | General pediatrics (n=134) | Pediatric neurology (n=63) | P-value* |
n(%) | n(%) | ||
K1- Febrile seizure is accompanied by fever without intracranial infection, metabolic disturbance, or history of afebrile seizure. | 115 (85.8) | 55(87.3) | 0.778 |
K2- In febrile seizure, the temperature is 38 °C or above. | 103 (76.9) | 42(66.7) | 0.130 |
K3- Febrile seizure occurs at 6-60 months of age. | 110(82.1) | 57(90.5) | 0.127 |
K4- Febrile seizure is the most common convulsive event in children younger than 60 months of age. | 99(73.9) | 53(84.1) | 0.110 |
K5- There are 2 types of febrile seizure: simple and complex. | 109(81.3) | 54(85.7) | 0.449 |
K6- Simple febrile seizure is a generalized seizure, last for less than 15 min, and does not recure within 24 hours. | 112(83.6) | 56(88.9) | 0.327 |
K7- Complex febrile seizure is a focal seizure, lasts more than 15 min, and recure within 24 hours. | 105(78.4) | 56(88.9) | 0.074 |
K8- Children who had a simple febrile seizure had no evidence of increased mortality or mental retardation. | 115(85.8) | 52(82.5) | 0.550 |