Table 3

Prevalence of mental disorders according to sociodemographic variables.*

VariablesMental disorderP-value
n (%)
Male83(70.9) 34(29.1)0.87
Female55(72.4) 21(27.6)
Material status
Single62(75.6) 20(27.4)0.56
Married63(68.6) 29(31.5)
Divorced12(66.7) 6(33.3)
Age group
15-3537(75.5) 12(23.5)0.77
36-5563(70.8) 26(29.2)
56-7529(69.0) 13(31.0)
More than 752(100)
Employed68(66.7) 34(33.3)0.18
Unemployed57(76.0) 18(24)
Education level
University58(73.4) 21(26.6)0.6
High school61(70.9) 25(29.1)
Below high school14(77.8) 4(22.2)
None3(50.0) 3(50.0)
Insurance status
None23(62.2) 14(37.8)0.13
Governmental97(76.7) 30(23.6)
Private17(60.7) 11(39.3)
Comfortable30(73.2) 12(28.6)0.19
Manageable81(68.1) 38(31.9)
Difficult24(58.7) 4(14.3)
  • * The table was calculated based on the available collected data