Table 2

Comparison of correct answers towards knowledge of guidelines for management of febrile seizure in relation to the position of study subjects.

ItemsCorrect answerP-value
Resident (n=89)Specialist (n=92)Consultant (n=119)
n (%)
K1- Febrile seizure is accompanied by fever without intracranial infection, metabolic disturbance, or history of afebrile seizure.75(84.3)79(85.9)103(86.6)0.895
K2- In febrile seizure, the temperature is 38°C or above64(71.9)66(71.7)90(75.6)0.766
K3- Febrile seizure occurs at 6-60 months of age.75(84.3)76(82.6)106(89.1)0.374
K4- Febrile seizure is the most common convulsive event in children younger than 60 months of age.65(73.0)72(78.3)105(88.2)ǂ0.018*
K5- There are 2 types of febrile seizure: simple and complex.68(76.4)74(80.4)105(88.2)ǂ0.032*
K6- Simple febrile seizure is a generalized seizure, lasts for less than 15 min, and does not recur within 24 hours.69(77.5)79(85.9)106(89.1)ǂ0.044*
K7- Complex febrile seizure is a focal seizure, lasts more than 15 min, and recurs within 24 hours.70(78.7)73(79.3)100(84.0)0.551
K8- Children who had a simple febrile seizure had no evidence of increased mortality or mental retardation.74(83.1)72(78.3)106(89.1)0.101
  • * Statistically significant - p<0.05 (by χ2-test), ǂK4 - Significantly higher than Resident & Specialist; K5 - Significantly higher than Resident & Specialist; K6 - Significantly higher than Resident, but not different from Specialist (by residual analysis)