Table 2

Comparison of the treatment characteristics between AD-m and AD-c groups.

Treatment characteristicsAD-mAD-ct/Z/χ2P-value
n (%)
Patients (n)47/238 (19.74)76/238 (31.93)
Manic switch
 Present30 (63.82)28 (36.84)7.440a0.006
 Absent17 (36.18)48 (63.16)
 SSRI29 (61.7)48 (63.16)19.260a<0.001*
 TCA15 (31.9)5 (6.58)
 Venlafaxine0 (0)6 (7.89)
 Mirtazapine3 (6.4)17 (22.37)
Combined agent
 Lithium-56 (73.7)--
 AC16 (21.1)
 AP4 (5.2)
Mean dose (SD), (mg)
++++SSRI20.98 (5.3)22.87 (9.87)1.208b0.229
+++TCA118.76 (78,65)116.55 (96.76)1.221c0.889
 Venlafaxine-93.7 (37.5)-
+++Mirtazapine42.76 (12.65)38.17 (14.76)1.522c0.064
++++MED22.68 (10.87)22.12 (10.43)0.284b0.776
++++Age (SD)40.29 (11.98)42.56 (12.39)0.999b0.319
+++Age at onset of disease (SD)25.13 (7.93)24.85 (7.9)0.998c0.841
+++Duration of disease (SD)14.99 (8.15)19.87 (10.76)2.512c0.006*
Mean duration (months)5.43 (6.79)12.65 (15.43)3.090c0.002*
  • Chi Square, Chi Square with Yates Correction,

  • + Fisher Exact Chi Square,++Chi Square,

  • +++ Mann Whitney U test,

  • ++++ Student t Test, a Chi Square,

  • b t value,

  • c Z value. AD - antidepressant, SSRI - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, TCA - tricyclic antidepressants, AC - anticonvulsant, AP - antipsychotic, MED - mean equivalent dose, NS - not Significant (p>0.05).

  • * p<0.05 statistically significant