January 2022 marks the 27th anniversary of Neurosciences journal’s continuous publication. As of now, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) is still affecting our lives; we hope that things will soon return to the normal. The COVID19 pandemic has caused significant impact on many aspects of our lives. Public and educational activities were put on hold, and there have been interruptions at work and at scientific conferences. Research productivity has ground to a halt in low- and middle-income countries.1 Saudi Arabia is keen on protecting the health and safety of all the population from the risks and the spread of diseases such as COVID19 and its mutations, so the only way to return to our normal lives is through mass vaccination programs.2 Since August 2021, all the citizens and residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were required to have 2 doses of COVID19 vaccine before attending social, cultural, sporting, and entertainment events, as well as entering both government and private establishments. Since 22nd December 2021, most people have received 2 doses. The COVID19 vaccine booster shots also are now available for anyone over 18 years of age. Recently, there is a growing concern about a new variant of COVID19 called “Omicron” has spread to Saudi Arabia and to many other countries and the number of new cases is once again on the rise.
Website improvement
Despite all the challenges, we are moving forward with the objective of reaching the highest level of excellence. There is no limit to our dreams. We launched our new website last year with a very fresh design and an intuitive navigation system. The new site will enhance the browsing experience for our valued users. In addition to being fully optimized for mobile devices, the XML format contains additional features such as Citation Tools, Info & Metrics, Related Articles, Article Alerts, and others. In addition to the bookmark feature, readers can create a profile folder in which they can store their reading preferences as well.
Withdrawal policy and authorship criteria
As we implement our new withdrawal policy and authorship criteria in accordance with the international standards, we have noticed some ethical concerns. At the final stage of publication, some authors request withdrawing their manuscripts when the peer review process has been completed, or when the manuscript is downgraded to a lower type by the editor. This request is usually unacceptable unless it contains serious errors and unreliable results, since it wastes both time and resources. All of the journal’s efforts were concentrated on completing the process in an efficient and timely manner. The editorial office will study this request, and then will decide if it is appropriate to apply 5 years embargo for all the authors in the manuscript, considering that the authors approved all the withdrawal decision. However, if the editor downgrades an article from original to brief, the author may withdraw it after paying the processing fee.
Authors sometimes request a change in author order after the paper has been accepted or published. Generally, there is no consensus in most publications. The first author is the most valuable and the last author represents the most senior author. As recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics, authors should discuss authorship order before publishing and document their decisions in writing. All authors should be aware of the corresponding author’s role
Type of manuscripts received for the year 2021.
Supplement on the Multiple sclerosis
For 2022, we are going to publish themed issue on Multiple sclerosis articles. The purpose of MS special issue is to build a forum of engagement for Neurosciences specialists on the latest research and directions, provide output of a high quality research and promote the journal.
The reasons for rejections
“Publish or perish” is a common statement reflecting the process of peer-review in the scholarly publishers. Neurosciences journal provides a chance for all authors to improve the submitted papers after revision and feedback from reviewers. However, some articles will be rejected from the initial peer review process by the editorial office. Also papers may be rejected after the peer review process if authors fail to adhere to the suggestions and feedback of reviewers.
Google analytic
Our Google analytic results show that more than 28000 users visited our website from January 2021 through December 2021, the top 6 countries where the sessions originated were KSA, USA, India, China, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Based on our website audience statistics, we found that the medical residents and fellows aged 18 to 34 were our website audience and that they are more aware of the importance of publication even before entering the residency program, this finding was consistent with our other journal “Saudi Medical Journal”. The Journal’s impact factor for the current year is .906, we will continue to work on improving this area with the support of our authors.
In 2021, our average rejection rate is 33%. Reasons for rejection included papers outside the scope of the journal, low scientific quality, not meeting the requirements of the journal, authors failing to submit the revisions and other necessary requirements, and duplicate publication. We published 4 issues in 2021, with a total of 59 articles, which included: 35 originals, 1 editorial, 2 reviews, 12 case reports, 1 case series, 1 clinical image, 3 clinical note, 1 brief communication, 1 correspondences, and 2 systematic review. The average processing time from received to acceptance was 2.6 months, 2.35 months from acceptance to publication months, and 4.9 months from received to publications. However, the process time to publication is going to be significantly lowered with the implementation of the online continuous publications. 61% of the published articles were from Saudi Arabia, 8.5% from Turkey, 12% from China, 5% from Kuwait, and the remaining from Oman, Egypt, Pakistan, Taiwan, Montengo, and Canada.
Our sincere gratitude goes out to the reviewers, advisory boards, and editorial boards for their insightful feedback, useful suggestions, and volunteer efforts to keep the journal’s standards high. Furthermore, we would like to extend our gratitude to our editors for their enthusiasm and energy in promoting the journal both locally and internationally, as well as to our present and previous staff for their dedication and commitment. Further, we cannot forget to express our appreciative thanks to the management of both the Medical Services Department and Prince Sultan Military Medical City for their ongoing assistance and support.
Our thanks also go to the following reviewers, who have participated in the excellent review of manuscripts and books for the year 2021.
Abdulwahed Barnawi*
Adeolu Oladayo Akinboro
Agnieszka Jankowicz-Szymanska
Ahmad Abulaban*
Ahmed Abdel Moneim
Ahmet Yalcin
AiAdem Azkara
Alessio Di Fonzo
Alexandre Simonin
Amani Kallel
Anan Shtaya
Anand Moodley
Anastasia Bougea
Aneta Demidas
Angel Perez Sempere
Anthony Bokolo Jr.
Anthony C. Smith
Anthony Henry Dickenson
Anthony Martyr
Antonio Orlacchio
Arthur Cukiert
Ashfaq Shuaib
Asthik Biswas
Awad Al Harbi
Brahim Tabarki
Bruno Gualano
Bulang Gao*
Carlos Henrique Camargo
Claudia Altamura
Dr. Chien
Daniele Zama
Davide Mei
Devesh Pant
Diane L. Williams
Dinesh Selvarajah
Edgar G. Ordonez-Rubiano
Elisa Kallioniemi
Eman Bakhsh
Emanuela Bostjancic
Emanuele D’Amico*
Enedina Maria Lobato de Oliveira
Ernesto Roldan-Valadez*
Fahad Bashiri*
Faisal Alotaibi*
Faisal Al-Suwaidan*
FE Chukwudelunzu
Feza Deymeer
FM Sonmez
Fu Liong Hiew
Gabriel G. Cucato
Gad A. Marshall
Gaetan Lesca
Gerard Bury
Giuseppe Biagni
Grazia D’Onofrio
Gregory Dussor
GS Gandhoke
Gulcin Benbir
Haifa Alabri
Haruki Koike
Hongliang Zhang
Hsien-Yuan Lane
Ismail Khatri*
Jadwiga Armbroszkiewicz
Jan Vollert
Jeremmy D. P. Bland
Jithangi Wanigasinghe
Joji Inamasu
Jose Cohen
Joseph Myers
Joshua A. Hirsch
K.J. Alexander
Keshava K. Pai
KK Mueen Ahmed
Kristen M. Krysko
Laura Canafoglia
Louis R. Caplan*
Mahmoud Hosseini
Marc De Baets
Marcello Moccia
Mariana C. Diogo
Marina Trivisano
Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
Masaaki Taniguchi
Michael Reade
Mir Faeq Quadri
Mitchell Schertz
Mohammed A. Almekhla
Murak Eksi
Mustafa Arslan
Muzaffer Gunes
Osama Muthaffar
Othman Alhammad
Panagiotis Korovessis*
Paolo Tini
Peter C. Gerszten
Piero Pavone
PM Ruggieri
R. Jensen
R. Mameniskiene
Raffaele Ornello
Ravindra Kumar Garg
Robert B. Raffa
Ron Milo
Ronald Kessler
S. Chaudhuri
S.C. Tay
Saeed Alshahri
Samir Al-Adawi
Samuele Cortese
Samy A. Azer
Sara Matricardi
Sawsan A. Zaitone
Sebastian Remollo
Seyed Mahmoud Latifi
Shaher H. Zyoud*
Shahid Bashir
Shailesh M. Gondivkar*
Shinn-Kuang Lin
Simona Lattanzi
Steve Simpson
Syed Sameer Aga
Taim Muayqil
Tomoyuki Uchiyama
Toshihide Tanaka
Vera Bril
Xianli Lv
Yasuhiko Hayashi
Yavuz Samanci*
Yoshifumi Saisho
Yuhei Chiba
↵* Reviewers who reviewed 3 or more articles for the year 2021
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