Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
Demographic information for patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and control group.
Variables Patients (n=25) Control (n=25) Age at the time of testing mean± SD (min-max) 35±0.50 (20.00-35.00) 34.50±0.62 (20.00-35.00) Age at epilepsy onset 30 (0.40) Gender, n (%) Female 13 (52) 13.0 (52) Male 12 (48) 12.0 (48) Economic status, n (%) Lower Nil Nil Middle 14 (56) 15.0 (60) Higher 11 (44) 10.0 (40) Education, n (%) Primary Nil Nil Secondary 15 (60) 14.0 (56) Higher 10 (40) 11.0 (44) Epilepsy onset, n (%) Right Frontal 12 (48) Nil Left Frontal 13 (52) Nil Seizure frequency per month 12 (1.20) Nil Laterality n (%) Right focal abnormality n (%) 11 (52) Left focal abnormality n (%) 12 (48) Bilateral n (%) 2 (8) WAIS Full IQ 100.2 (2.68) 101.1 (2.15)† DASS Depression 4.60 (1.80)* 5.84 (2.09)* DASS Anxiety 3.60 (1.43)* 4.30 (1.36)* DASS Stress 2.34 (0.88)* 2.08 (0.94)* EI 77.84 (15.17) 101.0 (8.66)‡