Article Figures & Data
Variables A B Chi-squared test (p-value) n (%) n (%) 298 (57.4) 221 (42.6) Gender Male 113 (53.6) 98 (46.4) 2.17 (0.14) Female 185 (60) 123 (40) Age, years <40 260 (57) 196 (43) 1.004 (0.65) ≥40 38 (60.3) 25 (39.7) Educational Level High school and less 60 (49.5) 61 (50.4) 3.93 (0.05) Higher education 238 (59.8) 160 (40.2) Occupation Unemployed 122 (59.22) 84 (40.77) 27.5 (< 0.001) Non-medical field student 46 (51.11) 44 (48.88) Medical field student 32 (88.88) 4 (11.11) Non-health care professional 68 (46.57) 78 (53.42) Health care professional 30 (73.17) 11 (26.82) Relative’s previous diagnosis Yes 61 (59.8) 41 (40.2) 0.296 (0.6) No 237 (56.83) 180 (43.17) A - recognized stroke definition, B - did not recognize stroke definition
Variables A B Total 519 (%) n (%) 298 (57.4) 221 (42.6) Stroke Signs Mouth deviation 145 (48.65) 70 (31.67) 215 (41.42)* Speech difficulty 217 (72.81) 114 (51.58) 331 (63.77)* Focal weakness 168 (56.37) 79 (35.74) 247 (47.6)* Chest pain 49 (16.44) 56 (25.33) 105 (20.23)* Shortness of breath 108 (36.24) 72 (32.57) 180 (34.68)* Identified ≥ two stroke signs with ≤ one mistake 155 (52.01) 66 (29.86) 221 (42.58) Behavior with suspected stroke Go to ER 264 (88.6) 182 (82.35) 446 (85.93) Call 937 31 (10.4) 35 (15.84) 66 (12.72) Stay at home 0 (0.00) 4 (1.8) 4 (1.8) Use alternative medicine 1 (0.33) 0 (0) 1 (0.33) Go to the pharmacy 2 (0.67) 0 (0) 2 (0.67) Awareness of blood clot-dissolving drugs 85 (28.52) 35 (15.84) 120 (23.12) Knowledge of correct timeframe in which to administer blood clot-dissolving drugs 44/85 (51.76) 14/35 (40) 58/120 (48.33) A - recognized stroke definition, B - did not recognize stroke definition,
↵* Multiple choice questions, not=100%
Variables A B Total 519 (%)* n (%) 298 (57.4) 221(42.6) Hypertension 222 (74.5) 118 (53.4) 340 (65.5) Diabetes 69 (23.15) 40 (18.1) 109 (21) Smoking 110 (36.9) 61 (27.6) 171 (32.94) Dyslipidemia 116 (38.9) 59 (26.69) 175 (33.72) Obesity 69 (23.15) 36 (16.29) 105 (20.23) Stress 138 (46.3) 74 (33.48) 212 (40.85) Heart disease 125 (41.94) 81 (36.65) 206 (39.7) Asthma 15 (5.03) 8 (3.62) 23 (4.43) Iron deficiency anemia 45 (15.1) 20 (9.05) 65 (12.52) Identified ≥ 4 stroke risk factors with ≤ 1 mistake 116 (38.92) 54 (24.43) 170 (32.75) A - recognized stroke definition, B - did not recognize stroke definition,
↵* Multiple choice questions, thus it does not constitute 100%
Variables A B Total 519 (%)* 298 (57.4) 221 (42.6%) Control chronic disease 170 (57.04) 80 (36.2) 250 (48.17) Smoking cessation 140 (47) 73 (33.03) 213 (41.04) Physiotherapy 132 (44.3) 63 (28.5) 195 (37.57) Walking 172 (57.7) 90 (40.72) 262 (50.48) Treat iron-deficiency anemia 48 (16.1) 26 (11.76) 74 (14.26) Cauterization 19 (6.37) 12 (5.43) 31 (6) Identified ≥3 post-discharge requirements with ≤ 1 mistake 135 (45.30) 51 (23.07) 186 (35.84) A - recognized stroke definition, B - did not recognize stroke definition,
↵* Multiple choice questions, thus it does not constitute 100%
Variables A B Total 519 (%)* 298 (57.4) 221 (42.6) Internet 196 (65.77) 130 (58.82) 326 (62.81) Social media 104 (35) 94 (42.53) 198 (38.15) Leaflets 64 (21.48) 45 (20.36) 109 (21) TV 42 (14.1) 36 (16.3) 78 (15.03) Previous knowledge 14 (4.7) 4 (1.8) 18 (3.47) Family experience 5 (1.7) 8 (3.62) 13 (2.5) Friends 13 (4.36) 5 (2.26) 18 (3.47) Physicians 5 (1.7) 1 (0.45) 6 (1.15) A - recognized stroke definition, B - did not recognize stroke definition,
↵* Multiple choice questions, thus it does not constitute 100%
- Table 6
- Relationship between participants’ demographic characters and their total knowledge regarding signs, risk factors, and post-discharge requirement of stroke.
Variables A B Chi -squared test P-value n (%) 67/519 (13) 452/519 (87) Gender Male 28 (13.3) 183 (86.7) 0.041 0.839 Female 39 (12.7) 269(87.3) Age, years < 40 50 (11) 406 (89) 12.634 ≥ 40 17 (27) 46 (73) <0.001 Educational Level Less than higher education 13 (10.7) 108 (89.3) 0.658 0.417 Higher education and above 54 (13.6) 344 (86.4) Relative’s previous diagnosis Yes 23 (22.5) 79 (77.5) 10.492 0.001 No 44 (10.6) 373 (89.4) A - identified ≥ two stroke signs with ≤ one mistake, ≥ four stroke risk factors with ≤ one mistake, and ≥ 3 post-discharge requirements with ≤ one mistake, B - did not identify
- Table 7
- Multivariant logistic regression involving characteristic data as independent variables to predict stroke definition knowledge, signs knowledge and risk factors knowledge (dependent variables).
Independent variables OR 95% CI P-value Stroke definition knowledge Educational level 1.6 1.03-2.4 0.034 Stroke signs knowledge Gender 1.6 1.2-2.9 0.013 Family history 1.8 1.2-2.9 0.009 Risk factors knowledge Educational level 1.7 1.1-2.7 0.028 Family history 1.6 1.03-2.6 0.036 CI - confidence interval, OR - odds ratio