A 39-year-old female had been subject to headache, and intermittent seizures for 9 years and decreasing memory for one year, without obvious neurological signs. An MRI revealed a 2x2 cm contrast-enhanced lesion in the frontal lobe, with a cyst and peritumoral edema, which was not attached to the dura or falx. Preoperatively, it was diagnosed as a glioma. Total surgical removal of the lesion led to a favorable result. Post-operative histo-pathological examination showed characteristic Antoni A and B areas consistent with intraparenchymal schwannoma. Intraparenchymal schwannoma is an extremely uncommon lesion, which is seen mostly in young adults and children. The main clinical symptoms include rising-intracranial-pressure-related manifestations and associated seizure disorders. The possible developmental origins, histological, imaging features, and protocols of treatment for this entity are discussed.
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