Index by author
April 01, 2010; Volume 15,Issue 2
Borhani-haghighi, Afshin
- Open AccessKnowledge and attitudes of Iranian patients with regard to lumber punctureMahmood D. Al-Mendalawi and Afshin Borhani-HaghighiNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 133;
Dababo, Mohammad A.
- Open AccessSubependymoma of the spineHussam E. Jabri, Mohammad A. Dababo and Ahmed M. AlkhaniNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 126-128;
El-beltagi, Ahmed H.
- Open AccessSyphilitic arteritis involving the origin of the cervical internal carotid arteryNoufa F. Al-Shammari, Ahmed H. El-Beltagi, Sayed A. Al-Far and Yasser M. Abdel-RaoufNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 122-125;
El-lahawi, Mohammed K.
- Open AccessNeurosarcoidosis presenting with persistent vomitingAkram A. Hosseini, Ananth Viswanath and Mohammed K. El-LahawiNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 117-121;
Erbagci, Hulya
- Open AccessComputed tomography based measurement of the dimensions of foramen ovale and rotundum in trigeminal neuralgiaHulya Erbagci, Nese Kizilkan, Akif Sirikci, Remzi Yigiter and Melih AksamogluNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 101-104;
Gulsun, Serda
- Open AccessDisseminated tuberculosis complicated with tuberculous meningitis, miliary tuberculosis, and thoracal bone fracture while investigating a cervical lymphadenopathy. Tuberculosis: a hidden enemy?Selda Aslan, Serda Gulsun and Basak AtalayNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 129-130;
Hasan, Zeki N.
- Open AccessEvaluation of neurogenic dysphagia in Iraqi patients with acute strokeZeki N. Hasan, Ehsan K. Al-Shimmery and Mufeed A. TahaNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 90-96;
Hosseini, Akram A.
- Open AccessNeurosarcoidosis presenting with persistent vomitingAkram A. Hosseini, Ananth Viswanath and Mohammed K. El-LahawiNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 117-121;
Hussein, Ismail I.
- Open AccessSubtype of hypertension is evidence for preclinical atherosclerosis. A study of carotid artery ultrasonography and biochemical markersMarwan S. Al-Nimer, Ismail I. Hussein and Warda S. LassoNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 79-83;
Jabri, Hussam E.
- Open AccessSubependymoma of the spineHussam E. Jabri, Mohammad A. Dababo and Ahmed M. AlkhaniNeurosciences Journal April 2010, 15 (2) 126-128;
In this issue