Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
Clinical aspects of first seizure patients aged 6-18 months with and without meningitis that underwent lumbar puncture.
Variable Meningitis, n (%) P-value Positive (N=80) Negative (N=373) Gender 0.90 Male 42 (52.5) 193 (51.7) Female 38 (47.5) 180 (48.3) Febrile seizure 0.83 Apparently simple 35 (43.8) 168 (45.0) Apparently complex 45 (56.2) 205 (55.0) Frequency of seizure attack 0.61 Once 55 (68.8) 267 (71.6) Twice or more 25 (31.2) 106 (28.4) Duration of seizure 0.15 <15 mins 74 (92.5) 323 (86.6) ≥ 15 mins 6 (7.5) 50 (13.4) Postictal drowsiness 0.003 Yes 69 (86.2) 260 (69.7) No 11 (13.8) 113 (30.3) Neurological deficit 0.000 Yes 4 (5.0) 1 (0.3) No 76 (95.0) 372 (99.7) Body temperature 0.035 <38.5°c 38 (47.5) 225 (60.3) ≥38.5°c 42 (52.5) 148 (39.7) Hemoglobin 0.02 <10.5 gr/dl 49 (61.2) 175 (46.9) ≥10.5 gr/dl 31 (38.8) 198 (53.1) White blood cell count 0.004 <15000 mm3 50 (62.5) 291 (78.0) ≥15000 mm3 30 (37.5) 82 (22.0) Family history of febrile seizure 0.024 Yes 6 (7.5) 66 (17.7) No 74 (92.5) 307 (82.3) Time of seizure occurrence from beginning of fever 0.38 <24 hours 36 (45) 188 (50.4) >24 hours 44 (55) 185 (49.6) - Table 2
Independent variables for predicting meningitis among first seizure patients aged 6-18 months with and without meningitis.
Variables EXP(B) 95% CI lower-upper P-value Neurologic deficit 2.741-322.476 0.005 Yes 29.731 No 1 Postictal drowsiness 1.581-6.433 0.001 Yes 3.189 No 1 Body temperature 1.033-2.887 0.037 ≥38.5°C 1.727 <38.5°C 1 White blood cell count 1.368-4.072 0.002 ≥15000 mm3 2.360 <15000 mm3 1 Hemoglobin 1.156-3.293 0. 012 <10.5 gr/dl 1.951 ≥10.5 gr/dl 1 Study Number of cases Age (months) Meningitis (%) Batra et al, India8 497 6-18 2.4 Joshi Batajoo et al, Nepal10 175 6-60 17.0 Ghotbi & Shiva, Iran9 254 6-60 4.7 Tinsa et al, Tunis11 106 <12 10.0 Kimia et al USA14 526 6-18 2.7 Current study 453 6-18 17.6