Open Access
7th Annual CANM IOM symposium Toronto, Ontario, Canada September 19-20, 2014Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in spine surgery: indications, efficacy, and role of the preoperative checklist.Augmentation of motor evoked potentials using multi-train transcranial electrical stimulation in intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring during spinal surgery.Comparison of the Wake-up Test and Combined TES-MEP and CSEP Monitoring in Spinal Surgery.Effects of partial neuromuscular blockade on facial nerve monitorization in otologic surgery.Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in anterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery.Intraoperative motor evoked potential monitoring - a position statement by the American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring.Preoperative characteristics of auditory brainstem response in acoustic neuroma with useful hearing: importance as a preliminary investigation for intraoperative monitoring.Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring of the spinal cord during spinal cord and spine surgery: a review focus on the corticospinal tracts.Spinal cord mapping as an adjunct for resection of intramedullary tumors: surgical technique with case illustrations.Topographic movie of intracranial ictal high-frequency oscillations with seizure semiology: epileptic network in Jacksonian seizures.Low-threshold monopolar motor mapping for resection of lesions in motor eloquent areas in children and adolescents.
Abeer S. Alsalamah
Neurosciences Journal October 2014, 19 (4) 343-349;
Abeer S. Alsalamah
Department of Neurology, Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Article Information
vol. 19 no. 4 343-349
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- Published online December 9, 2020.
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Copyright: © Neurosciences Neurosciences is an Open Access journal and articles published are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC). Readers may copy, distribute, and display the work for non-commercial purposes with the proper citation of the original work.
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In this issue
7th Annual CANM IOM symposium Toronto, Ontario, Canada September 19-20, 2014Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in spine surgery: indications, efficacy, and role of the preoperative checklist.Augmentation of motor evoked potentials using multi-train transcranial electrical stimulation in intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring during spinal surgery.Comparison of the Wake-up Test and Combined TES-MEP and CSEP Monitoring in Spinal Surgery.Effects of partial neuromuscular blockade on facial nerve monitorization in otologic surgery.Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in anterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery.Intraoperative motor evoked potential monitoring - a position statement by the American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring.Preoperative characteristics of auditory brainstem response in acoustic neuroma with useful hearing: importance as a preliminary investigation for intraoperative monitoring.Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring of the spinal cord during spinal cord and spine surgery: a review focus on the corticospinal tracts.Spinal cord mapping as an adjunct for resection of intramedullary tumors: surgical technique with case illustrations.Topographic movie of intracranial ictal high-frequency oscillations with seizure semiology: epileptic network in Jacksonian seizures.Low-threshold monopolar motor mapping for resection of lesions in motor eloquent areas in children and adolescents.
Abeer S. Alsalamah
Neurosciences Journal Oct 2014, 19 (4) 343-349;
7th Annual CANM IOM symposium Toronto, Ontario, Canada September 19-20, 2014Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in spine surgery: indications, efficacy, and role of the preoperative checklist.Augmentation of motor evoked potentials using multi-train transcranial electrical stimulation in intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring during spinal surgery.Comparison of the Wake-up Test and Combined TES-MEP and CSEP Monitoring in Spinal Surgery.Effects of partial neuromuscular blockade on facial nerve monitorization in otologic surgery.Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in anterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery.Intraoperative motor evoked potential monitoring - a position statement by the American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring.Preoperative characteristics of auditory brainstem response in acoustic neuroma with useful hearing: importance as a preliminary investigation for intraoperative monitoring.Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring of the spinal cord during spinal cord and spine surgery: a review focus on the corticospinal tracts.Spinal cord mapping as an adjunct for resection of intramedullary tumors: surgical technique with case illustrations.Topographic movie of intracranial ictal high-frequency oscillations with seizure semiology: epileptic network in Jacksonian seizures.Low-threshold monopolar motor mapping for resection of lesions in motor eloquent areas in children and adolescents.
Abeer S. Alsalamah
Neurosciences Journal Oct 2014, 19 (4) 343-349;
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