20 years of continuous publication in the Neurosciences field
The year 2015 is a landmark year for the Neurosciences journal as we celebrate our 20th anniversary of continuous publication.
In 1996, the journal started as the Official Bulletin of the Neurosciences Department with 2 publications, April and September. Due to the increase in published research in the field of Neurosciences, this quickly changed to a quarterly release in 1997, and has maintained its frequency of publication ever since. In 1999, we introduced special supplements, publishing abstracts from related meetings. In 2000, we launched the Neurosciences website, where readers can access abstract details in addition to the full text of articles in both PDF and HTML format. The journal’s hard work was rewarded in 2002 via recognition by the Scientific Councils of different faculties both within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and many Universities in Arab countries worldwide. The year 2006 was a historic moment for the journal, when the culmination of efforts resulted in receiving approval for indexing in Science Citation Index Expanded™, accessed via Thomson Reuters Web of Science™ (formerly ISI Web of Knowledge). In 2008 we updated the look and style of the journal, and in 2009 we introduced new features such as the MCQ’s and Highlights from International Meetings to attract trainees and board residents.
2010 was another landmark year for the journal, as we achieved selection for journal indexing by the National Library of Medicine via MEDLINE, with English abstracts searchable using PubMed dating from the year 2000.
In 2011 we pledged our commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards and the journal became a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This membership has ensured the journals compliance with international recommendations and guidelines on publication ethics.
In 2012 we adopted an Open Access policy to increase the accessibility and the visibility of the journal content by providing free access to the full text in HTML and PDF format. Articles are now published under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License (CC BY-NC). Readers may copy, distribute, and display material for non-commercial purposes with the proper citation of the original work.
In 2013 we reviewed and revised the journals mission and vision to help develop our purpose and primary objectives, and define our aims and priorities for the years ahead. In conjunction, we reviewed and standardized the journals policies and requirements, with an update to the journal’s Instructions to Authors.
As we commence our 20th year of publication,we continue to be delighted and encouraged with the continued progress of the Journal. 2014 again brought an increase in the journal’s impact factor, from 0.317 for 2012 to 0.391 for 2013, reflecting another increase in the average number of citations to recently published articles. This continued improvement will help in attracting a greater number of high quality submissions from authors both locally and internationally (Figure 1).
Impact factor for the Neurosciences journal over the last 5 years.
To celebrate our historic milestone, we organized a journal development course for the editorial team, and planned an anniversary event. This event honored the achievements of the journal with an official ceremony in the presence of the General Director of the Medical Services Department, and our Editorial Director, Dr. Saeed Al-Asmary. We also hosted a short meeting of the editorial board, where we discussed our present challenges and outlined action plans to address these obstacles and enhance the progress of the journal.
Yearly statistics
In 2014, we received a total of 172 manuscripts, with a rejection rate of 24.4%. Reasons for rejection included papers outwith the scope of the journal, of low scientific quality, not meeting the requirements of the journal, authors failing to submit revisions and other necessary requirements, and duplicate publication. Over the 4 issues of 2014, we published a total of 66 articles, including: 2 editorials, 9 reviews, 22 original articles, 15 case reports, 4 clinical notes, 2 brief communication, 1 brief report, 3 correspondence,2 quizzes, 4 meeting highlights, and 4 MCQ’s, totaling 357 pages for the entire volume. 69.5% of published articles were from the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR), with 45.5% from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), 6% from the Gulf, and 18% from other Arab and EMR countries. The remaining 30.5% of published articles we received from Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the UK, and the USA. Compared with the previous year, we can see a slight increase in local submissions from KSA. The average time from received to acceptance of original articles was 4.3 months, and 2.6 months for acceptance to publication. One of the key indicators of journal quality is the processing time frame, and we are very proud that considering we are a quarterly publication, we have such a fast turn around period.
To aid authors in recognition of their publications at an institutional level, we introduced a structured abstract to papers published in the format of Brief Communication, and introduced Brief Reports as a new article type. We also developed a journal policy and requirements for the publishing of Clinical Practice Guidelines. We hope to attract local guidelines to enhance healthcare practice in Saudi Arabia, and also contributions from throughout the region. For practical purposes, and to facilitate indexing and online searching, the section entitled “Clinical Quiz” will be renamed “Clinical Image”.
With thanks
We extend our thanks to the Editorial and Advisory Board Members for their significant contributions to maintaining the standards of the journal, and we look forward to their important continued role in achieving our goals for 2015. We would like to thank the outgoing Advisory Board members who have now finished their term (Lamya Jad) and would like to welcome Fahad Alsheikh to the Advisory Board. We also extend our thanks to the outgoing Editorial Board members (Fawaz Al-Hussain, Bandar Al Jafen, Faisal Al-Suwaidan, and Joseph Berger) and welcome Eman Nassim, Mohammed Almekhlafi, and Naser Alotaibi. We are honored they have agreed to join the board, and their individual contributions will be of great value to the journal. We continue the international diversity of members that the current board offers.
We also bid farewell to our biostatistician Dr. Adel Mishriky who retired earlier this year. We will miss a highly dedicated and committed member of staff. During his time at the journal he articulated the importance of statistical review, and his contributions helped to improve the statistical rigor of the published manuscripts.
On a positive note we welcome Dr. Umar Yagoub Mohammed and Dr. Osama Abdelhay, and thank them for taking on the challenges of reviewing the quality and applicability of statistics in submitted manuscripts.
We also congratulate Leila Torrecampo who has taken over the role of Editorial Manager at the journal. Ms. Torrecampo has extensive relevant editorial experience and knowledge, and has been a much-valued member of the editorial team for many years.
In 2015, we are looking forward to enhancing the online and digital presence of the journal, through the implementation of DOI numbers, and application of the journal for indexing in PubMed Central.
We hope all our readers continue to benefit from the published material, and we extend our sincerest thanks to our authors, readers, reviewers, and board members, and wish all a successful year.
- Copyright: © Neurosciences
Neurosciences is an Open Access journal and articles published are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC). Readers may copy, distribute, and display the work for non-commercial purposes with the proper citation of the original work.