Article Figures & Data
Feature n (%) Median Range Mean±SD P-value* Neurosurgeon’s nationality Saudi 45 (53.6) 1 0-20 4.00±5.39 0.0949 (NS) Non-Saudi 39 (46.4) 4 0-33 6.23±6.70 Neurosurgical certification origin International 69 (82.1) 3 0-33 5.57±6.42 0.0871 (NS) Saudi 15 (17.9) 1 0-12 2.60±3.48 Neurosurgical certification year <2001 60 (71.4) 5 0-33 6.57±6.54 0.0002 (Sig) ≥2001 24 (28.6) 0.5 0-6 1.21±1.72 Neurosurgical center region Central region 44 (52.4) 4 0-20 5.64±5.95 0.3475 (NS) Other 2 regions 40 (47.6) 2 0-33 4.38±6.27 Western region 23 (27.4) 2 0-33 4.96±7.69 0.9417 (NS) Other 2 regions 61 (72.6) 3 0-20 5.07±5.45 Eastern region 17 (20.2) 2 0-10 3.59±3.64 0.2772 (NS) Other 2 regions 67 (79.8) 3 0-33 5.40±6.55 Neurosurgical center KFSHRC Hospitals 12 (14.3) 10.5 0-33 10.75±9.27 0.0003 (Sig) All other hospitals 72 (85.7) 2 0-20 4.08±4.87 University hospitals 21 (25) 7 0-20 6.67±5.29 0.1573 (NS) All other hospitals 63 (75) 2 0-33 4.49±6.29 National Guard Hospitals 9 (10.7) 4 0-19 6.33±6.18 0.5035 (NS) All other hospitals 75 (89.3) 2 0-33 4.88±6.11 Armed Forces Hospitals 8 (9.5) 1 0-16 4.13±6.22 0.6618 (NS) All other hospitals 76 (90.5) 3 0-33 5.13±6.12 Ministry of Health Hospitals 26 (31) 1 0-9 1.69±2.33 0.0005 (Sig) All other hospitals 58 (69) 4 0-33 6.53±6.66 Remaining hospitals 8 (9.5) 1 0-7 2.50±2.78 0.2189 (NS) All other hospitals 76 (90.5) 3 0-33 5.30±6.30 NS - not significant, Sig - significant, KFSHRC - King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research center, Rezmaining hospitals - Security Forces Hospital, ARAMCO, and 5 private hospitals