Research ArticleOriginal Article
Open Access
Incidence of autism in high risk neonatal follow up
Hussein S. Mohammed, Saeed H. Wahass and Adel A. Mahmoud
Neurosciences Journal January 2016, 21 (1) 43-46; DOI:
Hussein S. Mohammed
From the National Neuroscience Institute (Mohammed), Mental Health Department and Pediatric Neurology Department (Mahmoud), King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, the Department of Psychiatry (Wahass), College of Medicine, Dammam University, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
PhDSaeed H. Wahass
From the National Neuroscience Institute (Mohammed), Mental Health Department and Pediatric Neurology Department (Mahmoud), King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, the Department of Psychiatry (Wahass), College of Medicine, Dammam University, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
PhD, AFBPsSAdel A. Mahmoud
From the National Neuroscience Institute (Mohammed), Mental Health Department and Pediatric Neurology Department (Mahmoud), King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, the Department of Psychiatry (Wahass), College of Medicine, Dammam University, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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In this issue
Incidence of autism in high risk neonatal follow up
Hussein S. Mohammed, Saeed H. Wahass, Adel A. Mahmoud
Neurosciences Journal Jan 2016, 21 (1) 43-46; DOI: 10.17712/nsj.2016.1.20150471
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